Direct method (education) Learning

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The direct method of teaching, which is sometimes called the natural method, and is often (but not exclusively) used in teaching foreign languages, refrains from using the learners' native language and uses only the target language. It was established in Germany and France around 1900 and contrasts with the grammar-translation method and other traditional approaches, as well as with C.J.Dodson's bilingual method. It was adopted by key international language schools such as Berlitz and Inlingua in the 1970s and many of the language departments of the Foreign Service Institute of the U.S. State Department in 2012.

In general, teaching focuses on the development of oral skills. Characteristic features of the direct method are:

  • teaching concepts and vocabulary through pantomiming, real-life objects and other visual materials
  • teaching grammar by using an inductive approach (i.e. having learners find out rules through the presentation of adequate linguistic forms in the target language)
  • centrality of spoken language (including a native-like pronunciation)
  • focus on question-answer patterns

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Direct method is a method of teaching language directly establishing a direct or immediate association between experience and expression, between the English word, phrase or idiom and its meaning through demonstration, dramatization without the use of the mother tongue

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  1. Direct method aims to build a direct relation between experience and language, word and idea, thought and expression
  2. This method intends for students to learn how to communicate in the target language
  3. This method is based on the assumption that the learner should experience the new language in the same way as he/she experienced his/her mother tongue

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  1. No translation
  2. Concepts are taught by means of objects or by natural contexts
  3. Oral training helps in reading and writing
  4. Grammar is taught indirectly

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  1. Question/answer exercise - the teacher asks questions of any type and the student answers.
  2. Dictation - the teacher chooses a grade-appropriate passage and reads it aloud.
  3. Reading aloud - the students take turn reading sections of a passage, play or a dialogue aloud.
  4. Student self-correction - when a student makes a mistake the teacher offers him/her a second chance by giving a choice.
  5. Conversation practice - the students are given an opportunity to ask their own questions to the other students or to the teacher. This enables both a teacher-learner interaction as well as a learner-learner interaction.
  6. Paragraph writing - the students are asked to write a passage in their own words.

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  1. The direct method is also known as natural method. It was developed as a reaction to the grammar translation method and is designed to take the learner into the domain of the target language in the most natural manner.
  2. The main objective is to impart a perfect command of a foreign language. The main focus being to make the learner think in the targeted language in the same manner as the learning of his/her mother-tongue in the most natural way.
  3. In traditional language-learning, pupil participation was found to be diminished as the teaching is perceived to be long and monotonous.

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  1. Facilitates understanding of language - understanding of the target language becomes easier due to the inhibition of the linguistic interferences from the mother tongue, it establishes a direct bond between contexts, and helps in understanding directly what is heard and read
  2. Improves fluency of speech - fluency of speech results in easier writing, it tends to improve expression, expression in writing, and it is a quick way of learning and expanding vocabulary
  3. Aids reading - reading becomes easier and more pleasant, and it also promotes a habit of critical studying
  4. Improves to develop language sense
  5. This method is full of activities, which makes it very interesting and exciting
  6. It emphasizes the target language by helping the pupil express their thoughts and feelings directly in English without using their mother tongue
  7. LSRW are developed
  8. It helps in bringing the words from passive vocabulary into active vocabulary
  9. It helps in proceeding the English language from particular to general, it bridges the gap between practice and theory
  10. It makes use of audio-visual aids and also facilitates reading and writing
  11. This method facilitates alertness and participation of students

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  1. This method ignores systematic written work and reading activities
  2. This method may not hold well in higher-level classes where the translation method is more suitable
  3. Limited vocabulary - it restricts the scope of vocabulary as not all words can be directly associated with their meanings
  4. Lacked application - the method aims at active command of a language, only the clever child can profit by this method
  5. Lack of skilled teachers; i.e., most of the teachers in Indian schools have a poor command of English
  6. This method does not suit or satisfy the needs of individual students in large classes
  7. This method is inconvenient in a huge class
  8. It ignores reading and writing aspects of language learning
  9. Grammar is not taught systematically
  10. It is time consuming in creating real life situations
  11. Slow learners struggle with this method.

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  1. Classroom instructions are conducted exclusively in the target language.
  2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences are taught during the initial phase; grammar, reading and writing are introduced in intermediate phase.
  3. Oral communication skills are built up in a carefully graded progression organized around question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes.
  4. Grammar is taught inductively.
  5. New teaching points are introduced orally.
  6. Concrete vocabulary is taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary is taught by association of ideas.
  7. Both speech and listening comprehensions are taught.
  8. Correct pronunciation and grammar are emphasized.
  9. Student should be speaking approximately 80% of the time during the lesson.
  10. Students are taught from inception to ask questions as well as answer them.

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The key Aspects of this method are:

I. Introduction of new word, number, alphabet character, sentence or concept (referred to as an Element) :

NOTE: Teacher should be aware of "high frequency words and verbs" and prioritize teaching for this. (i.e. Teach key verbs such as "To Go" and "To Be" before unusual verbs like "To Trim" or "To Sail"; likewise, teach Apple and Orange before Prune and Cranberry.)

II. Syntax, the correct location of new Element in sentence:

III. Progress, from new Element to new Element (within same lesson):

IV. Progress, from Lesson to Lesson:

V. Advanced Concepts:

An integral aspect of the Direct Method is varying the setting of teaching; instructors try different scenarios using the same Element. This makes the lessons more "real world," and it allows for some confusing distractions to the student and employs organic variables common in the culture and locale of language use.

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Historical context

The direct method was an answer to the dissatisfaction with the older grammar translation method, which teaches students grammar and vocabulary through direct translations and thus focuses on the written language.

There was an attempt to set up conditions that imitate mother tongue acquisition, which is why the beginnings of these attempts were called the natural method. At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, Sauveur and Franke proposed that language teaching should be undertaken within the target-language system, which was the first stimulus for the rise of the direct method.

The audio-lingual method was developed in an attempt to address some of the perceived weaknesses of the direct method.

Source of the article : Wikipedia



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