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The Battle of Arita-Nakaide (???????) took place in 1517 in Aki Province, Japan during the Sengoku period. During the battle, Takeda Motoshige was defeated by a young M?ri Motonari. It was Motonari's first battle.

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In the early 16th century Takeda Motoshige (also known as Motoshigeru), a local lord of Aki province, accompanied the daimyo Ouchi Yoshioki, his liege lord, to restore Ashikaga Yoshitane to the shogunate in Kyoto. At some point around 1515 Motoshige returned to Aki and broke off from the Ouchi, changing his allegiance to the Amako.

At this time the M?ri clan (a vassal of the Ouchi), were neighbors of the Takeda in Aki. When M?ri Okimoto died in 1516, and was succeeded by his young son Komatsumaru, Takeda Motoshige took advantage of this and, in the following year, gathered an army of 5,000 and in October advanced into the territory of the M?ri's Yoshikawa allies and surrounded Arita Castle (???). A few weeks later, Motoshige dispatched a raid into the M?ri clan's territory and set fire to houses in Tajihi (???). The M?ri clan's response was led by M?ri Motonari, younger brother to Okimoto and guardian of Komatsumaru.

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With most of the Ouchi forces preoccupied in Kyoto with Ouchi Yoshioki, the M?ri were unable to call on them for assistance, and Motonari instead mobilized his clan and called on their supporters. Motonari was also supported in this by his younger brother, Mototsuna. In total the M?ri strength comprised around 850 men, reinforced by 300 from the Yoshikawa, for a total of around 1,000. This force marched towards Arita Castle and on the way encountered the Takeda vanguard, commanded by Kumagai Motonao, commanding about 500 men. The M?ri and their allies stood off and engaged the Takeda with archery fire. Kumagai Motonao was in the front ranks and was encouraging his men when he was struck and killed by an arrow.

Takeda Motoshige was meanwhile with the main army at Arita Castle. Learning of Motojika's demise, he drew up his forces and marched to engage the smaller Mori resistance. The Takeda encountered the Môri and Yoshikawa occupying the opposite bank of the Uchikawa River and a bitter struggled ensued. Heavily outnumbered, the M?ri-led forces began to falter and fall back, but they held in place only by Motonari's pleas to stand their ground. Takeda Motoshige himself advanced forward across the river on horseback but was struck by an arrow and killed. The Takeda broke and retreated, leaving Mori Motonari the victor.

Source of the article : Wikipedia



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